With the NPC 2015 Grand Prix Natural Show coming up this weekend at Jefferson High School, I got thinking about Gym Etiquette.


Ever seen that guy that doesn't put his weights away, grunts too loud, makes a sweaty mess, etc etc...Well I'm proud to say that isn't me. Respect the gym, respect the owners, respect those around you.

According to dummies.com Here is a list to help you Master Gym Etiquette. Each one of these come with some helpful hints.

Sharing equipment

Unloading your weight bar

Putting weights back where you found them

Keeping your sweat to yourself

Helping the flow of traffic

Hogging the drinking fountain

Toting around your gym bag

Treating the locker room like your own bathroom


Good luck to all competing this weekend! Go #TeamPremier and Trudy!!!



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