So many negative stories about neighbors. The music is way too loud, they're rude, the dog won't shut up, their kids are annoying!


Things can be seen as a little tense in Rockford lately. With the heat and humidity taking over soon, people can become even more hostile. Take a deep breath, enjoy life and Love Thy Neighbor Rockford! For every bad story you hear, there are tons more good stories that don't make the news. A little kindness to your neighbor goes a long way. Say hello, help them carry something, offer a hand when needed, right a note! Here are some neighbors that get it, 16 Notes From Neighbors That Are Actually Nice.

Here are some great examples:

  • This guy, whose affections were slightly misplaced - Placed love note on wrong car

  • Rich and Soph, who are taking responsibility for their cat burglar - They have collected strange items thanks to their cat.

  • This neighbor who realized that they'd hurt someone, and returned what they'd taken - Bike thief with a change of heart

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