Starting in March, you can expect to see new shopping carts at Target stores nationwide.

What's the big deal about these 'new' shopping carts anyways?

Well, if you are the parent or caretaker of someone with special needs, this will change the way you shop forever.

A woman named Drew Ann Long invented the special carts titled Caroline's Cart, which were named after her daughter who has Rett syndrome.

According to, Caroline's Cart can already be found in hundreds of stores across the country. You may have even seen them before!

Target though is the largest chain of stores to take this cart nation wide.

Caroline's Cart is special because it is equipped with a seat for someone with special needs or adult seniors in the front and has a space for groceries in the back. It can be difficult to maneuver a shopping cart and wheel chair at the same time, and this changes the game.

The seat and it's harness can hold up to 250 pounds, which makes it a very versatile cart. You've got to see this incredible invention in action.


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