Illinois man protests against fines for weeds growing in his yard by rapping his message to the city council at their weekly meeting.


Illinois Residents Have The Right To Be Heard At City Council Meetings

I believe most people in Illinois are passive when it comes to the local government. Unless it's something that affects them directly. If that's you're attitude then you might not know this quick fact.

Residents have the right to speak at city council meetings. There is an "open mic" time on the agenda when they are allowed to address the aldermen about their issues. You usually have to register in advance and the time is limited to a couple of minutes.

Matt Novak via YouTube
Matt Novak via YouTube

Illinois Man Has An Issue With The City Of Elmhurst

Jim Hodapp lives in Elmhurst, Illinois. He Was fined $200 by the city for letting his weeds grow beyond the limit of a local ordinance. His defense was that he was protecting the environment. His belief is that the law is preventing the growth of prairies which we need for our ecosystem. He suggests that his property should be considered a nature preserve. Hodapp would also like the village to hire him for a one-year contract as an ecological restoration consultant.

According to, 

We have destroyed 99.9 percent of our ecosystem, and you have the weed codes. Prairie is illegal in Elmhurst. I know, I've been fined $200 for letting natural prairie plants grow.


Heat And Dry Weather Worries Illinois Farmers About Corn Crops
Getty Images

Illinois Resident Uses Unique Method To Address The City Council

This guy in Elmhurst could've easily just paid his fine, cut his weeds down, and been done with it. Instead, he decided to stand up for what he believed in. Jim Hodapp made plans to speak at a city council meeting. At the same time, Hodapp decided he wanted to be memorable with his delivery. That's when he decided to rap during his turn at the mic. Here's how it went.

Check it out at the 16:00 mark.

He returned a month later to follow up on his issue with some brand new rhythms. This time the city council had a little fun too.

According to,

Approach the microphone. State your name. Address is optional. Rapping is optional. You have three minutes," the mayor said.

Here's his second rap at the 15:50 mark.

I find the whole thing pretty darn entertaining. If you've ever been to a city council meeting, you know how boring they usually are. At least this time there was a little bit of fun.

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