Gross, is gross. There's no other way to but this...You gross, Timothy.


Timothy was a security dude at Concordia University in Illinois. Security means you have all the keys, all the access, all the free time to be gross... SG

Old hiking shoes with a hole where the toes are

Here's the sticky, (did I say gross) story in as good of detail as I can give you.

Tim has been charged with public indecency and disorderly after the woman was left with a sticky surprise.

simona todorova
simona todorova

The woman questioned Mr. Margis why he was in her office. Well, he just wanted to do a security check and see if the door was unlocked. She then went on to say that a liquid was found in her shoe...a sticky liquid. Oh also did I mention that the female in question said that she watched Timothy zipping and buttoning up his pants leaving her office.

There was no previous relationship between the couple, he was just doing his job as the security director and checking an unlocked office...with his pants unbuttoned and his wiener out apparently. Everything is secure here ma'am, I need a nap now.



Timothy Margis, the Security Director for Concordia University was arrested for ejaculated inside the shoe of a female coworker. Yep, just typed that.

This is one of the strangest and grossest stories I've ever heard. Here's this security dude for a freakin' state university, doing this type of stuff. I leave my office locked, all the time when I'm not here. I will double and triple check the lock from now on too. Oh, and take all my shoes home.

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