Illinois Is Home To One Of A Kind Bloody Valentine Tour
The home of the one-of-a-kind "Bloody Valentine" tour is Illinois.
There Are Big Expectations For Valentine's Day
When it comes to holidays, for a smaller one like Valentine's Day there are very high expectations. Couples will take it over the top with spending and activities to impress their significant other. The laundry list of "must-haves" includes flowers, candy, jewelry, stuffed animals, date night, dinner, drinks, dessert, dressing up, entertainment, and so much more.
The words fancy and expensive are perfect ways to describe your Valentine's Day date night. It adds a lot of unnecessary pressure. This could easily turn a great evening into a disaster very quickly. Couples try to be someone they are not. My suggestion to have a wonderful time is to be yourself. You are almost guaranteed to have fun.
Not All Couples Celebrate Valentine's Day The Same Way
Not all couples enjoy sappy "Rom-Coms" with happy endings. They do not want pretty flowers, sweet treats, and fancy dinners. There are plenty out there who want something with a little more substance.
Those couples are adventurous. They prefer the feeling of adrenaline racing through their heart instead of the lovey-dovey gooiness. There is definitely nothing wrong with that. Unfortunately, you would not think there would be many options for them on Valentine's Day. Well, until now.
The Perfect Valentine's Day For A Unique Evening
If you are ready to make a major twist in your Valentine's Day plans, then you have come to the right place. How about a ghost tour featuring mobsters? Chicago is known for both paranormal activity and gangsters, so it only makes sense to pair them up for one incredible journey in the city infamous for the "St. Valentine's Day Massacre."
Chicago Hauntings To Host Guns & Roses: Chicago's Bloody Valentines Tour
Chicago Hauntings is a paranormal tour company that has been hosting events in Illinois for over twenty years. Their latest feature is themed for Valentine's Day. Well, it is not really your typical celebration.
According to chicagohauntings.com,
"Learn about Chicago’s past crime sprees revolving around the lovers and the haters, during a guided tour. See landmarks that once held serious criminal activity while hearing about hardcore villains."
The guided tour will share the stories of Chicago's violent Valentine's Day history, relationships that went bad, and famous landmarks. It will include a lot of background about the gangsters in the Windy City. Overall, it would be an exciting way to spend the holiday.
For more information, HERE.