Illinois Dad Holds Meat Cleaver to Son’s Neck Over Breakfast Error
Nothing says, "I love you, son" quite like a holding a meat cleaver to his neck over a breakfast error. SG
So here's the soggy cereal, rotten fruit, burned biscuits, details.
Back in 2012, Harry A. Woods III was arrested in his home in East Alton, Illinois. His son, who is also named Harry, was preparing biscuits and gravy for breakfast. The 350lbs Harry the 3rd, was freakin' pissed when his son baked the biscuits a little too long in the oven. Burnt bread is pretty icky, but not "threaten the cook's life" bad...
So here's the story...Harry's daughter but the biscuits in the oven. Told Harry Jr. that she was leaving and getting them out of the over was on him. Well Harry Jr, spaced it and the biscuits got a little extra crispy. The 350lbs hungry daddy was upset...So upset that he threatened to kill his son with a meat cleaver. He held the blade to the son's throat. There was a tussle, the dad hit the son over the head with a pan and bit his finger...Then he tagged in John Cena for the pin. Wait, no.
Cops were called and Big Daddy was arrested. Harry Woods III was tossed in jail with no biscuits and gravy, with a $20,000 bond.
I've been super hungry, or "hangry" before...But not this hungry. 2012 or 2023, use Door Dash or something dude. Burnt biscuits aren't the end of the world, just the end of your freedom for a bit.
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