If You Grew Up in Wisconsin, You Ate These 8 Gross Foods as a Kid
Growing up in Freeport, I had some "unusual" foods I suppose. My mom attempted to feed my liver and onions at one point, no thanks. There was was ring bologna stuff fried in a pan...yuck. But for the most part everything else was good.
I came across this page talking about what kids ate growing up in Wisconsin...Some I've heard of, some I have no idea what it is. Now I'll go out on a limb and say a nice casserole is some great midwest comfort food that I find zero issues with. ONMilwaukee
Here are Eight "Gross" Foods Kids Growing up in Wisconsin Ate:
Sandwich spread - Yah, seen this stuff...different varieties, never had it.
Casseroles - Only one that's a no-no is a "tuna" casserole.
Brussels sprouts - What kid from ANY state enjoyed these?
Liver - I'll pass, pass it on by me to the next person...every time.
Tuna casserole - This one get it's one category. That's how gross it is.
Jambalaya - Midwest, not NOLA. Pass and pass again.
Sugar bread - Instead on that ten cent pack of Now and Laters, this passed as a sweet. WTH
SpaghettiOs - Been there, done that. When a kid is hungry, this and a peanut butter bread...perfect.
There you go, "gross" Wisconsin kid food. Truly not all that bad, SpaghettiO's? Not that I would, but seriously that doesn't sound too bad right now!
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