During a show in Rockford, comedian Howie Mandel orders pizza on stage for 4,000 fans attending the show.

Back in the spring, there was a comedy benefit for COVID on television. A bunch of my favorite comedians were taking part, so I was checking it out. Howie Mandel was the host.

I remember my family was watching it with me. My daughter asked if that was the guy from "America's Got Talent." She was surprised he was taking part in the comedy show. I explained to her that he is a long time comic.

Then I realized, there are probably a lot of people who have no clue about Howie's background. They might know him from "Deal or no Deal." Depending on their age, their memory of Mandel is being the voice of "Bobby's World." It could also be for any of the other projects he's done through the years.

For me, Howie Mandel will always be a comedian. I have enjoyed his act. I remember the first time I saw him perform. My family did not have cable until I was a junior in high school. I would get excited about going to a friend's house that had it. We would stay up all night watching stuff we probably shouldn't have.

Back in middle school, we would check out a show called "Night Flight" on the USA Network. It was pretty cool. They would show lots of music videos, comedy specials, and more. My friend would record each week. That is when we came about Howie Mandel's very first comedy special, "The First Howie Mandel Special." We thought it was hilarious so we watched it all the time. I need to go back and watch it again. I was an instant fan.

He would do this funny bit in his shows where he would put a rubber glove over his head. Back in the day, it was really funny. Check it out for yourself.

Howie would tour all the time. His shows would sell out all over the country. Sunday, August 30th, 1992, he made a stop in Rockford to perform at the MetroCentre. The show was packed. Mandel was on a roll that night and the crowd was loving it.

Don Kronberg from Nitelite Promotions put on the show that night. A couple of really unique funny things happened that night. Listen to Don tell the story. It is pretty darn funny.

Video: Comedian Howie Mandel Orders Pizza For 4000 Fans During Rockford Show

Basically, the comedian borrowed a brick-style cellphone from someone in the audience. He tried to order pizza for 4,000 fans from Capri in downtown Rockford. After the show, Howie and about a thousand fans showed up at the restaurant. I suggest listening to Don tell the story in our interview. It is very entertaining.

Plus, the comedian pulls a great prank on his opening act.

Mandel had such a great time in Rockford, he gave Kronberg this autographed picture before he left.

Howie Mandel 8x10

Don has more funny stories to share and some insight into the concert business. Check out the full interview I did with him.

Video: Nitelite Promotions Owner Tells Rockford MetroCentre Stories For 40th

This has been another flashback for the 40th anniversary of the BMO Harris Bank Center thanks to LawnCare By Walter.

Video: The Real Story Why Ozzy Collapsed On Stage In Rockford

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