Prepare to do a lot more laundry than anticipated.

This weekend, the only load of laundry I did was towels.

How long before you need to wash towels
sb-borg, Think Stock

I have hard water in my house. If you are familiar with hard water, you know that it turns everything a rusty yellow over time and standing water leaves a very musky gross smell.

While I was wrapped in my towel after my shower, brushing my teeth, I could smell the nasty standing water smell.

It was time to wash the towels.

I'll admit, I probably don't wash my bath towels as often as I need to. I think to myself, well, I'm only using them on clean skin anyways.

I was curious on how often I should be washing these towels, and turns out you should be washing your bath towels every three to four days, or three to four uses.

According to YahooHeath, any longer you use the towels, they can breed bacteria and mold.

It's also important that you hang your towels properly. Make sure to spread them out on a rack so they dry evenly. Before you shower, open the door and turn on the bathroom fan while bathing so the air is less humid and your towels will retain less moisture.

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