2021 is the the perfect year to ditch your old car and your old job to drive a giant nut around.

But not just any nut, the Planter's NUTmobile!

I don't know what kind of car you drive, or what kind of job you have, but I mean ... come on. Can you really beat getting paid to drive this thing around?

Your job title when you drive this NUTmobile around might be the best part. You're known as a "Peanutter". Planters is on the hunt for nine recent college grads who are eager to spend the next 365 days driving the NUTmobile around promoting everything that is Planters.

This gig is just like any other job application. There's different responsibilities from "Drive and Maintain the NUTmobile from city to city" to "Act as specialist & Spokesperson for Mr. Peanut, walking in the shoes of an American icon". And then there's the qualifications. Because let's be honest, they wont let just anybody drive this giant nut cross country.

These are the qualifications according to the job listing -

  • Bachelor’s degree required, preferably focused in but not limited to: Business, PR, Marketing, Journalism, Communications, Media Management
  • Valid driver’s license required
  • Desire and ability to spend the year on the road as an ambassador for Planters - must be comfortable with daily road travel in the NUTmobile and staying in hotels or short-term corporate housing throughout the United States

Think you've got what it takes? Are you nutty enough for the gig? You can apply to be a "Peanutter" HERE.


Listen to MJ on 97ZOK every morning 6:00 to 10 AM.  Follow her on Instagram and Facebook.  

READ MORE: See 50 remote jobs that can pay well

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