Hey Illinois Fill the Gas Tank Today (Monday) it Will Save You Money
Summer gas prices are stupid, there I said it. But there is one way to save "some" cash at the pump...fill up on Monday. USAToday
I did some driving into Chicago this weekend, and watching the gas prices from here to there and back...wow. I doesn't matter if you are in Rockford, Elgin, Chicago, the prices are insane for a gallon of gas. Obviously the closer you get to the city, the more expensive. So does the day of the week you get gas in Illinois, make sense? Yes.
Filling up your tank on Monday, is what you should do to save serious money.
"Very early in the week, when gas stations are generally a little bit quieter traffic-wise, is a great time to fill up, we generally see more volatility and higher prices later in the week." - Patrick DeHaan, head of petroleum analysis for GasBuddy
Filling your tank up on Monday, to be more specific Monday mornings...is when you can save some money.
So what would be the worst day of the week and time to fill up? Friday of course.
Stations are busiest on Friday afternoons around 5 p.m. Drivers who fill up exclusively on Friday could save $20 to $30 more year by switching to Monday, according to GasBuddy.
The best day to get gas in Illinois is Monday. The worst day to get gas in the state of Illinois, oddly, is Thursday.