Millions Of I-PASS Units In Illinois Are Printed With Wrong Info
Please check your Illinois I-PASS transponder immediately because it may include the wrong information.
Make Sure To Have Your Illinois I-PASS Ready For Your Next Road Trip
This weekend is Labor Day. That means a holiday with an extra day off. You might take advantage by going on a road trip. If you plan on using the tollway in Illinois, I suggest having your I-PASS ready to roll. I would just add it to your "things to do" list.
Your Illinois I-PASS Check List For The Next Road Trip
It doesn't matter if you like the technology or not, I-PASS is here to stay. Ensure you've got it ready to roll for your Labor Day holiday weekend road trip. Here are some things to know.
- If you simply refuse to own an I-PASS, you can travel on the tollway without one. To find out how, HERE.
- Owning only one I-Pass transponder for multiple vehicles, HERE.
- Leaving the state? No problem, you can you your Illinois I-PASS in multiple places. Check it out, HERE.
Wrong Information Printed On Millions Of I-PASS Transponders In Illinois
When is the last time you actually looked at your I-PASS transponder? For me, it was when I placed it on my windshield a couple of years ago. My guess is you haven't. Do you know there's an expiration date on the unit? Me either. I would almost call it a little-known fact.
The expiration date on your I-PASS could be wrong. If the unit reads between 2020 and 2026, then it's printed incorrectly. This problem goes in your favor. Your transponder is actually good for two extra years.
All customers with expiration dates from 2020 through 2026 have two more years before they will be prompted to exchange their transponders," tollway spokeswoman Joelle McGinnis explained.
Apparently, the older transponders only lasted eight years. These newer units can go ten. They never changed the info to be printed on the I-PASS. If you're like me and just don't pay attention, the Illinois Tollway will send you a letter when it's time for you to get a new one.
For more info about I-PASS, HERE.