Here's a sweet treat that "could" get your house TP'd or worse! This is the Halloween candy that is Illinois least favorite, and it's...interesting. MyTelescope

Halloween Jack o Lantern pail, top view with spilling candy

First off, did any of you use pillow cases to collect candy on Halloween night instead of a bag or bucket? It held more, and could also be used as a weapon...just saying.

So what are you getting for the trick-or-treaters this year? Are you a "fun size" or "full size" candy giver? Regardless of the size of the candy, it's the type of candy that gets the little ones excited.

Halloween Jack o Lantern candy collectors isolated on white

In the state of Illinois, kids according to this survey love the Kit Kat. Can't go wrong with that, even though the majority of the country likes Snickers the best. In Maine, the Tootsie Roll is the preferred candy of kids...what? Is this 1980?

So let's get down to the nuts and bolts of this article, which candy do you NOT give kids in Illinois? There are some gross ones, I always hated Mounds...not a coconut fan at all, gross!

Getty Images

So here, it's a candy that's pretty "general" I guess. It's good, not great...and apparently Illinois kids don't care for it according to this survey and study. It's not gross by any mean, just "a candy."

Hershey Kiss

Weird right? Kids is Illinois simply don't care about the Hershey Kiss. Maybe it's the whole thing about it being an "old person" candy, kinda like Tootsie Rolls? Whatever the reason, avoid handing those out...Or a "trick" could be coming your way!


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