America Chimes In on Their Pooping Habits
We may all be different, but there's one thing that equalizes all of us: the restroom.
We all go. We all do it. We all eat food and then let it course through our system and then dispose of it like leftovers growing mold in the fridge.
Nearly 2,000 people took part in a Healthline survey about their defecation proclivities, giving you the opportunity to see for yourself is you're unique in the way you approach toilet time.
Of course, when you talk about relieving yourself, you also have to talk about not relieving yourself. That is, holding it in. There are a variety of reasons we don't make a run for the nearest toilet and let Mr. Hankey out. Look at all the reasons people give for not going to the bathroom. There are almost as many reasons as there are artificial ingredients in that Taco Bell burrito that has you scrambling for the porcelain throne in the first place.