All This Rain Got You Down, Try Baking. It Will Change Your Mood, So Says Science!
With all this rain and just general gloom we've seen here lately, it's easy to feel a little crappy.
September is also Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, so if you're feeling a different type of crummy than normal, please don't be afraid to ask for help or even start a dialogue with someone to start and be well again.
Here are two different links if you or someone you know may need them:
If you're looking to brighten your mood, science says that baking may be just the thing to turn that frown upside down.
And yummy sweets aren't the only positive outcome one could receive from putting on an apron.
The Journal of Positive Psychology studied the diaries of 658 college student who had been asked to keep a journal of their daily activities and how they were feeling emotionally for over two weeks.
What they found is that those who did stuff like cooking/baking were more productive and were more enthusiastic the following day.
Cooking and baking have also been used in behavioral therapies because it is found to have a positive outcome on those with ADHD and anxiety. Measuring out ingredients and following recipes is very anecdotal for those with these aliments.
So use this not so great weather to whip up a batch of cookie chip cookies, if not for the cookies, then imagine how good your house will smell. And that right there can help put anyone into a better mood.
Not a sweets person, maybe a sourdough starter isn't such a bad idea after all.
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