40 Years Ago The BEST Illinois Band Was Featured in Movie ‘Fast Times’
It was a movie that captured a timeframe, a vibe, a feeling, and an era of rock-n-roll.
"Fast Times at Ridgemont High," was released in movie theatres 40 YEARS AGO THIS WEEK!
Here's the setup if you don't remember...
Stacy Hamilton is a pretty, but inexperienced, teen interested in joining the high school dating seen. She receives dating advice from her friend, Linda Barrett. Stacy gets trapped in a love triangle with the "nice guy" Mark Ratner and his somewhat shady friend Mike Damone .
As this storyline is happening, Stacy's classmate Jeff Spicoli (best character in the movie played Sean Penn), lives for surfing and getting high ALL THE TIME, faces off against Mr. Hand, the strict teacher who runs a tight ship of a classroom.
OK, sound familiar? Now let's get to OUR Rockford moment...This 1982 comedy classic, features a scene where Cheap Trick is mentioned, sang, and used as a ploy to get a girl to go to a concert.
In this scene, Damone is of the football bleachers "working" one girl, when another shows up that needs to share some REALLY important news with him...
“Can you honestly tell me that you forgot the magnetism of Robin Zander or the charisma of Rick Nielsen?” - Damone
For the Cheap Trick moment, forward to 2:25:
In the comment section on this video, this is my FAVORITE. This pretty much nails it:
Florin Ivan -