$10,000 Worth of Real Retro Candy From Rockford’s ‘The Sweet Tooth’
If you win the 10k Stimulus Check, you might have to set aside a few hundred bucks for a dentist visit after this delicious splurg!
The Sweet Tooth on Bridge Street in Rockford does all kinds of sweet treats. Carmel corn, ice cream, homemade chocolates, snow cones, etc etc...But man there is nothing better than some old school, retro candy.
I introduced a 10 year old to "Zots" for the first time. If you don't remember "Zots" they are a hard shell flavored candy that has a center that is so sour and bizarre, it will make you shake if you bite into the middle. It's like if you ate a bag of Sour Patch Kids at one time.
So let's blow the entire 10K Stimulus Check of some retro candy at "The Sweet Tooth." I bet you have some favorites growing up that you wish you could still enjoy, I bet this place has it!
O.K. for starters I will need some packs of Bazooka Gum...You can save the folded up comics inside for later. Candy that made you read, how awesome. Next I'm going to need some Bottle Caps, root beer flavor was always my favorite. Next up is Sugar Babies AND Milk Duds...If you are going to get stuff stuck in your teeth, this is the way to go. Here's an odd one that I still love, Bit O Honey...another chew for an hour and get stuck in your teeth, treat. Finally you will need Now and Laters, these things were the best....see what I mean about the dentist visit?
Gallery — Every Movie Theater Candy, Ranked: