A Southern Wisconsin man was hitting cars with an axe so cops were called to stop the madness, imaging that. WeAreGreenBay

Travis Martin was walking down the street, swinging an axe at cars. Seems like a normal thing to do, right? I think I'll go take a relaxing stroll and swing my axe at some oncoming traffic...Said no one ever.

So cops were called to go stop this Looney Tune, and they were greeted by much more than an axe swinging fella. While Travis took off running from the cops, he started throwing machete knives at them. WTH!

The first knife hit the street about five feet in front of one officer who was pursuing Martin on foot, the release states. Two more machete knives were reportedly thrown at officers before a taser was used on Martin. - WeAreGreenBay

Dude, what are you on? So obviously they arrested this crazy man and then they went through all of his belongings. This guy was ready to battle or something...

A total of five machete knives

A single-blade axe

They re-walked his steps for the evening and found that he hit multiple vehicles along the way with his axe causing damage.

The amount of officers and first responders called to the scene to control this fella, was crazy. The Richland Center Police Department was joined by the Richland County Sheriff’s Office, also the Richland Center EMS, and finally the Richland Center Fire Department. OMG. For one axe holding, machete throwing Wisconsin man.

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