Wisconsin Man Gets 19th DUI, Driving the Wrong Way on Highway
This Wisconsin fella, is something special. Like you hang out and he shows up and everyone sarcastically goes, "well look who's here...it's Daniel." (eye rolls, head shakes)
Daniel Thomas Hanson was presented with his 19th DUI as he was taking a drive through Minnesota...going the wrong way on southbound Interstate 35. Dude, seriously. BRING
When the officer's stopped the vehicle (before a crash thank god) he has blood shot eyes, slurred speech and an open bottle of vodka.
Daniel's breath test registered a breath-alcohol concentration of 0.238, nearly three times the legal limit.
There's all kinds of trouble after this fella was pulled over. First off, his 19th DUI. 10 in Minnesota, 8 in Wisconsin. He was obviously driving with a cancelled drivers license. Plus with "his" vehicle(s) it's supposed to have an interlock device, which he is required to have installed on any vehicle he operates. This dude is in a crap load of trouble.
Here are the charges against Mr. Hanson:
Two counts of DWI
Two counts of driving with a canceled license
One charge for violating Minnesota's open bottle law
He was jailed on $100,000 bail. Wow, that's a lot! No more vodka for Daniel for a while.
Seriously, 19 DUI's...that is some kind of terrible record, right? The fact that he spread them out though, 10 in one state and 8 in another. How and why he kept getting behind the wheel...insane.
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