This fella was in a hurry, a big hurry and it cost him. Fox6Now

Cars Most Likely To Get Speeding Tickets on Rockford Roads

Racine, Wisconsin police pulled over a car that was making illegal lane changes, swerving, and going a "tad" over the speed limit on in 103mph!

Furiously Fast: States With The Most Speeding Tickets (2021)

This SUV was hauling a** and apparently late for an appointment? Maybe he had to poop? Oh wait, Wheel of Fortune was on in 15 minutes and he didn't want to miss the first puzzle....who knows, all we do know is that speedy was hiding something.

(Jack Atley / ALLSPORT)
(Jack Atley / ALLSPORT)

When officers searched the SUV they got a little more than they bargained for. Put yourself in the cops shoes. There's an SUV on the highway going 103 miles per hour, something is up right?


When doing a search of the vehicle, cops looked in a rear compartment in the SUV...I'm guessing there was a "slight" odor.


Inside this compartment was a bag that had 499 grams of marijuana. Oh snap, you're busted.

Fresh weed on top of money.
Getty Images

As you could imagine, it wasn't his. We've all watched COPS and the drugs or guns NEVER belong to the person pulled over. He said the weed belonged to the previous SUV owner...but of course!

Illinois Residents Could Still Be Fined For Smoking Weed At Home
Getty Images

What were the charges for speedy:

  • Possession with intent
  • Speeding on the freeway
  • Reckless driving
  • Operating while license is suspended
  • Going 103 freaking miles per hour with 500g of pot is in the car




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Pink Castle

Gallery Credit: Brooke, Fleetwood Rentals, via Airbnb