Call it a "life hack" call it your car's best kept secret, or just call it a potential driving "life saver." How many Illinoisans know what the gas tank ARROW means? 6ABC

OK be honest, trying to figure out which side the gas tank is on, has had you getting out to look...right? No judgement here, I understand...Pretty sure they didn't teach us this "life hack" in Drivers Ed.

With the weather getting warm and with road trips being mapped out, here's a little something that "maybe" you didn't know. This will save you a little time, a little embarrassment, and might even be something that will make you look smart.

So you get to the gas station to fuel up for your big trip. Do you know which side your gas tank is on? Do you have to think about it first? Do you have to get out and look? The answer is right in front of you as you drive.

Heck, maybe this is a rental car...Oh man, I didn't look for the gas tank before I got in the car! Don't sweat it, a large percent of folks don't actually know this "life hack."

"One in ten drivers know about the gas tank arrow, If you are driving a newer car, as many rental cars are, then take a look at the arrow by the gas gauge on your dashboard. Depending on your car, it may look like an arrow or a triangle pointing to the left or to the right."  - AAA 

The arrow on the dashboard, next to the gas tank icon points to the side that the gas tank is on. Boom. Mind blown.

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