Three different text messages that were all scams showed up on my phone last week. You may have received these too but if not, look at the screenshots I grabbed and be ready. Since I didn't bite, these scammers are still very hungry.
If you’re wondering how much time you have left to send gifts from the Rockford area to wherever you have waiting recipients this holiday season, you're not alone.
Okay, you're probably getting a little nervous in anticipation of sending out holiday gifts to those people in your life that you love so much. In today's world, you want to make sure you've got all your shipping dates firmed up.
I'm sure that you phone's calendar has already chirped out a notification to let you know that next week is Mailbox Improvement Week. In case your phone forgot, I'm here to remind you.
Because of this ongoing pandemic, we're doing a lot of things differently this year than we normally do. One of those things is holiday shopping. More people started earlier, and more are shopping online.