Thefts of packages off of front porches can and do happen on any day of the week, but a new study shows that there are two days of the week that porch pirates are most actively stealing your stuff.
We all have issues that set off our anger. Pet peeves, if you will, that make the skin on the back of your neck turn red. For me, it's porch pirates and I have good news about these fiends. Thanks to new rules, they'll truly have hell to pay for their sins for stealing from Missouri families.
Porch pirates don't just making life difficult during the holidays, they're doing it year round. However, there are two days of the week when they're most active and stealing your stuff.
Since your front porch will probably soon be stacked with packages as we head into the holiday season, you'll want to keep in mind that this is the time of year that the porch pirates really get busy making life harder for us.
Package theft, in the form of swiping stuff from front porches is big business, and it's getting bigger every year as more and more of us are doing our shopping online. A new study shows that two days of the week in particular are the most active for porch pirates.
Maybe you don't do any online shopping whatsoever, and therefore have nothing to fear from those who swipe packages off of front porches in and around Rockford.
Package theft from front porches is big business, and it's getting bigger every year as more and more of us are doing our shopping online. A new study shows that two days of the week are the most active for porch pirates.
Before we started getting all these packages delivered directly to our front door on a regular basis, I'm sure the number of porch thefts was a lot less than it is today simply because there weren't as many opportunities for porch pirates.