
Can You Really Influence an Illinois Traffic Light to Turn Green?
Can You Really Influence an Illinois Traffic Light to Turn Green?
Can You Really Influence an Illinois Traffic Light to Turn Green?
Is there anything more frustrating than pulling up to an intersection in Illinois and waiting for a light to turn green? Some people believe that you can influence traffic lights to turn green by doing things like honking your horn or flashing your lights. Did you know that in some cases there are things you can do?
12 Things You Absolutely Can't Mail in Illinois No Matter What
12 Things You Absolutely Can't Mail in Illinois No Matter What
12 Things You Absolutely Can't Mail in Illinois No Matter What
I am the son of a postal worker who delivered mail in the Missouri and Illinois area for the better part of 30 years. That makes me an unofficial expert of sorts about what you can and can't mail. There are 10 very specific types of things you can't mail in Illinois no matter what.

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