Illinois Animals

Illinois Is A Dog State, But...How Many Can You Legally Have?
Illinois Is A Dog State, But...How Many Can You Legally Have?
Illinois Is A Dog State, But...How Many Can You Legally Have?
My daughter Molly, a true dog-lover if ever there were one, recently told me that her ideal home would have lots and lots and lots of dogs running around. When I asked what lots and lots and lots meant, she replied "whatever the legal limit is." Since I had no idea about legal limits on dogs, I decided to check into it.
Illinois Cicadas: How Long They Live, And When They’re Loudest
Illinois Cicadas: How Long They Live, And When They’re Loudest
Illinois Cicadas: How Long They Live, And When They’re Loudest
When you have loud, uninvited guests that are only interested in mating, sucking the juice out of trees and plants, and literally peeing on almost every square inch of our entire state, you might be interested in just how loud they get and when, along with just how long they'll be hanging around after they pop out of the ground.

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