I have a proven track record of predicting things before they happen which has sadly not been documented. But, mark my words as of this day that the conniving state of Kansas will successfully steal the beloved Kansas City Chiefs from Missouri.
Wealth can be a subjective term. What is rich to one person might seem like a pittance to someone else. Do you actually know what Missouri's poverty level is? Do you know that you might be poor (by state standards) and not even know it?
The idea of 'living comfortably' is such a subjective thing. Income that is comfortable for one person might seem like poverty to another. However, there is a national average which is being used to compare Illinois towns and cities to decide which ones are the most comfortable in the state.
I was slightly familiar with this Missouri high school, but there were two very important things I was not aware of. First, I did not know that the tuition made it the most costly high school in the state of Missouri and I did not know that it has apparently closed in disgrace.
Beware of any text you receive where a stranger appears polite and "nice". A new one is now making the rounds in Illinois where victims are receiving a link that includes many pleasantries, but it's sinister and will empty your bank account.
Being expensive isn't necessarily a bad thing especially if what you're providing is worth the cost. That seems to be the case for the most expensive high school in Wisconsin which really does look like a big, regal castle.
As a Missouri homeowner, this is disturbing on a lot of levels. The United States of America is reportedly seeing an alarming rise in underwater mortgages and Missouri is one state among those suffering the most.