Back in 1990 a holiday classic was born. Home Alone starring Macaulay Culkin quickly became a holiday favorite for lots of people. Most of us have seen it so many times that we can probably recite most of it by heart. A story about the film came out yesterday and Celebrity's and regular people alike cannot believe what they heard.

home alone joe pesci
20th Century Fox

So in the movie Kevin watches and old film on VHS called "Angels with Filthy Souls" it looks like it was shot back in the early 1940's.  The older gentleman in the film has some choice words for someone that messed him over and Kevin has fun with the film and some firecrackers to mess with the robbers. Little did I know that that film wasn't actually a real movie.

Seth Rogen dropped the bomb yesterday and it seems that everyone believed it was a real film. Even Chris Evans chimed in on Twitter saying it's not? Other celebrity's jumped on the bandwagon as well like Nick Kroll, Donny Dimarco and David Ramon. So many people believed that it was an actual film. It was actually named after a real film from 1938 called Angels With Dirty Faces starring James Cagney. The gentleman who played the part of the gangster was actor Ralph Foody and he passed away back in 1999. But he did leave us with a good catchphrase though. Merry Christmas you Filthy Animals!

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