Say no to Sex P.S.A. Video is The Weirdest Thing You’ll See All Day (NSFW) (Watch)
I have super weird friends that post super weird things on Facebook. There's a Facebook page called Hype Fiend that is just plain weird. Weird videos, weird pics, weird sayings...It's a great break from the norm for sure. I do have to worn you if you are at work, there's a bunch of NSFW.
O.K., so there this P.S.A. video. My guess, is that's a scare tactic video for teens? Here's this young lady rapping about not having sex and what could happen if you do. Is this real? Is this just someone with a twisted sense of humor? What in THE HELL is going on here?
There's potty language, so you get the NSFW label. Enjoy?