Rockford Go Red For Women Luncheon February 20th
February 20th at Giovanni's, I am honored to host the 2019 Rockford Go Red For Women Luncheon with the American Heart Association.
What is "Go Red For Women":
- Go Red for Women is a movement to raise awareness of cardiovascular diseases in women. Heart disease is the #1 killer of women, but fewer than 20% of women consider heart disease or stroke to be their biggest health threat.
- Go Red promotes healthy lifestyle changes, knowing your numbers like blood pressure and cholesterol and regular checkups to treat, prevent and even end cardiovascular disease.
- Go Red began in 2004 and, today, counts millions of women nationwide as part of the movement.
What are the warning signs of heart disease and stroke in women?
- For women, the classic signs of heart attack like sudden, intense chest pain might not happen to them. Instead, heart attacks in women may start out slowly with just mild pain.
Symptoms might be:
- A fullness or uncomfortable pressure in your chest that goes away and comes back
- Pain or discomfort in one or both arms, back, neck, jaw or stomach
- Shortness of breath
- Cold sweat, nausea, vomiting, light headed
For tickets and information about the 2019 Rockford Go Red For Women Luncheon CLICK HERE.