Nut Job Wisconsin Man Belly Flops on Windshield of Cop Car (Video)
Let's go back in time a few years, January 2017 in Menasha, Wisconsin.
This is Cody James Romano, a Walmart employee that was celebrating New Years Eve. You know, there's party favors...hats, and whistles...Oh, what about champagne and the Dick Clark thingy on tv? Nope, Cody has other ideas. SG
Cody saw a squad car in the distance and has a great idea...what if I get a running start and did a belly flop onto the squad car's windshield? Not exactly sure what inspired Cody to do something so damn stupid, but for the sake of this website post I'm sure glad he did!!! Check this out:
I know this will come as a shocker, but Cody admitted to drinking prior to the leap onto the cop car....no way.
After his "graceful" belly flop landing, smashing the windshield there was a scuffle with the officer that witnessed the entire leap. The crazy belly flopped was then taken into custody and transported to a local hospital for medical treatment.
This idiot was sighted for a variety of charges:
- Battery to a law enforcement officer
- Disorderly conduct
- Criminal damage to property
He did however "stick" the landing, but received no bonus points because of that.
This customer service representative at Walmart had a hefty fee to pay because of the damage done, and might want to put in for overtime at Walmart for court costs and everything else he needs to pay for.
I'll give dude a "10" for the landing, but a "0" in the smarts department.
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