Milwaukee, Wisconsin Shirtless Baseball Fan Gets of Field. Oh. No.
Well this plan didn't work out...The "15 minutes of fame" thing only made it about 41 seconds.
Whether its the "John 3:16" signs, the silly outfits, the ability to be louder than anyone else in your section...certain fans at sporting events want to be part of the show. While the majority of us want to enjoy the game we probably paid big bucks for, you have people like this.
During a recent Milwaukee Brewers game, this "fan" tried to live out his lifetime dream to be on the field of play. Not with a bat, a glove, or a helmet...shirtless, ab and care free.
What would inspire such a reaction at a professional sporting event? A bet, a triple dog dare, perhaps Miller Lite? I'm going to go with choice three and lots of them.
The field entrance appears to be somewhere in the outfield? The video begins with this idiot dancing in centerfield...shirtless and feeling the groove.
While trying to gain recognition from the ball players, he gets none. Here are these million dollar ballplayers locked in and ready to do their job...Oh look, man boobs.
Now he did do some pretty good "escaping the security" for a bit. Some clever moves and cuts like a Junior College running back, bought him some extra time before he was eventually caught. It's the bottom on the ninth and the bases are loaded bro, you totally struck out...I'm guessing that's the norm for him.
So here you go people...DON'T be this guy. Ever.
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