When it comes to being prepared for season changes, you really can't argue with the Farmers Almanac. That's like arguing with Double T about the importance of Black Sabbath in history of rock music, you're gonna lose that.

Maybe you have a new driver in your house, getting ready for winter driving for the first time...Or maybe you just need a refresher when it comes to what to have in your car this winter. It's cool, we are all in this together...Let's go! FarmersAlmanac

Here Are 10 Things You Should Have in Your Car For This Illinois Winter:

Charged Phone - Keep that cord handy and make sure your phone is fully charged before you leave

Secret Button on Back of iPhone
Photo by blocks on Unsplash

Shovel - Getting stuck, wheels are spinning, parked for a long time...shovel.


Sand or Kitty Liter - Stuck with ice under your wheels, bingo.

Ice on the windscreen and ice scrapper, driving in winter concept

Ice Scraper - I've actually used CD cases, it worked but I wouldn't advise it. Get a scraper.

Blankets - Heat goes out and you're stuck, it just makes sense.

Credit Delish via Pinterest
Credit Delish via Pinterest

For the rest of the list, go to Farmers Almanac. You truly don't know what you are going to encounter this winter, so be prepared.

Last winter I was on 75 heading towards Roscoe from Freeport. The snow started and the road became an ice rink with blowing snow. What a scary night, especially when the wind took my car off the road and back on. Yikes.

Winters are unpredictable around here, so be prepared.

25 Rockford(ish) Spots For Cool Sweet Treats When It's Stupid Hot Outside

Here are some of the best places for ice cream and other cool sweet treats in and around Rockford.





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