Illinois Rewind: Drug Dealers Need to Purchase ‘Drug Tax Stamp’ LOL
There was a thing in Illinois back in 1988 called a "Drug Stamp" that required illegal drug dealers to purchase a legit STAMP to put on the product they were selling. NYTIMES
So if you are an inspiring illegal drug dealer in the Land of Lincoln, Illinois is going to want their taxing you. Seriously, check this out:
The law requires dealers in illegal drugs to purchase tax stamps, displaying either a marijuana leaf with a slash through it or a skull and crossbones, and to affix them to drug packages. The stamps cost $5 a gram for marijuana, $250 a gram for other drugs and $2,000 for each dose of drugs not sold by weight. - NYTIMES
Seems legit. Only those that order these "drug tax stamps" by mail, would be required to give their name and address. Oh boy.
When these stamps officially went of sale, this will come as a huge surprise by the way...NO ONE BOUGHT THEM.
The point of this was, if you get caught with illegal drugs in your possession...if you had one of these stamps on your goods, that would save you another charge against you. This is the example the state of Illinois gives:
People can say the taxes and the law are ridiculous, but they should think back a little bit and remember how Al Capone was convicted. - Former Spokesman for the Illinois State Police, Bob Fletcher
The people that actually bought these things, stamp collectors...Not drug dealers. Nice try though, Illinois. I wish I had some of these stickers.