Back in 2013, Veniamin Konstantinovich Balika was arrested after he melted away from the scene of the crime and got busted stealing 21 tons of cheese. NYDailyNews

This may sound cheesy, but Veniamin stole a refrigerated truck in New Jersey...With the intentions of selling what was on the inside, on the "black market." Inside the cold truck was 21 tons of Wisconsin Muenster Cheese. Dude, there's a black market for stolen cheese???


So our friend went to a place called K&K Cheese in Wisconsin, provided them with false paper work and drove away with 21 tons of cheese.

"This is the first time this has ever happened to us, the trucking company we contract with will take care of the money we lost, but it's still a shame. Still sad that this happened." - Kevin Everhart K&K Cheese

The crazy part, he made it all the way to New Jersey with the stolen! The shipment was intended to go to Texas, and when they didn't get the shipment things got weird.


So really, there's a black market for cheese? The cops out in New Jersey that busted our cheese thief, says yes...

"There's a black market for everything, we've seen everything stolen. We've found stolen beer, stolen food, stolen machine parts, but this is the first time, we've found stolen cheese." - Detective Oliver Sissman

No word on if the cheese "survived" the trip. This "hot" cheese was in a "cold" truck, but it could go bad.

University of Liverpool Library via Twitter
University of Liverpool Library via Twitter

21 tons of Wisconsin Cheese stolen, nice work.

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