Illinois Man Gives Cops a ‘Fake’ Name, of a Man With a Warrant. Oops!
A Chicago man was wanted by cops, and when confronted gave the officers a "fake" name...That led to ANOTHER arrest. What? PATCH
This dude was causing a disturbance at a Walmart, great guy. Cops stopped and questioned him...Gave the name Tory Walker along with an address and date of birth. This information was not correct. So Mr. Fake Walker was arrested for "obstructing identification," never heard of that before. But the story gets a little strange from here. The Tory Walker with the address and date of birth that he gave, was actually wanted and had a warrant out for his arrest. So when this guy gave the fake info, they instantly took him into custody and did fingerprints etc.
Giving a fake name to get out of trouble, fake info he provided was for a man that had a warrant out for him and was wanted by police. That's not how this was supposed to go! Also fake Tory had a buddy with him as they caused a "disturbance" at Walmart, Latonia R. Cooper was ALSO arrested. He was yelling and screaming curse words at a Walmart employee, and was charged with disorderly conduct.
Overall, not a good night at Walmart for these fellas. Just get your impulse buys and move on without the F bombs...Oh, and give cops real info if they ask for it. Lesson learned.
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