The Humphrey Family lived at 9830 W. 144th Place in Orland Park, Illinois in the late 1800's. They are THE ONLY FAMILY to every live there. Here we are in October of 2021 and the Humphrey's still "live there." PATCH

Bee Felten-Leidel
Bee Felten-Leidel

The last of the Humphrey's passed away in around 1987. After John, the youngest family member died...There has been do other family to move it, because the Humphrey's are still there. The haunted home is now owned by the Orland Historical Society.

So let's take a look at the family members and the death count IN THE HOUSE. These folks are all family, and all died in the house.

Senator John Humphrey

John's first wife, Amelia found dead lying in the dining room area. 

Their 11 month old daughter, Libby

Their oldest son, Wilt

Another daughter Lillian, who died as a child

Their son Thomas, died as a child.

Another daughter that died as a kid Clara Mable.

Maude, their last child

Ida Humphrey, who became Sen. John Humphrey's second wife just months after Amelia died....she also died in the house.

Ida and John's son, John. He was the last to go and he willed their family home to the historical society.

This is the only family that has ever lived there. The only people, ever. This family still rules the roof for sure. Edward Shanahan a psychic reader/medium visited the home and the Humphrey family was still there...a strong presence for sure.


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