Here’s How To Rescue Yourself If You Fall Through Ice
If you fall through the ice, here's the way to rescue yourself.
Winter has arrived in the state line area. That means its time for lots of exciting outdoor activities. Some of them will involve ice like skating, hockey, and fishing.
You have to be careful when it comes to frozen lakes, ponds, rivers, and any other bodies of water. They may appear to be solid ice but there's a chance it won't be. That could be very dangerous.
Hopefully, you never end up in this situation. If you do fall through some thin ice and end up in the freezing cold water, here are a few steps to take to rescue yourself.
Please check out these short simple videos. It could save your life.
Video: How To Survive A Fall Through Frozen Ice
I thought it would be good to see an actual person do it, so please check out this one too.
Video: How to self-rescue if you fall through the ice
Have a fun and safe winter.
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