I've been on the air since 2009, and I love hanging out with ya! We chat about fitness and exercise, relationships, and workplace experiences, pop culture news, kids, and other things that present huge challenges. Like online dating. Oh my goodness. Dating on the apps is time consuming, but if we try to meet someone in person it's stalkery and creepy, so we forge ahead. I was born and raised in the rural town of Elwood, Nebraska with one stop light, a court house, three churches, and a bar. I'm a Cornhusker, and graduated with a Broadcasting degree from the University of Nebraska, and then worked all over the country in radio. When I'm not working, I'm usually running. I try to run between 6 and 9 miles a day because I love that runners high! I try to eat clean too. I love shopping, going out for salmon and wine, seeing live music and comedy, and listening to all kinds of music. I've got three daughters, and that means I'm an Uber mom, taking them to gymnastics, karate, softball, or whatever is in season. They always crack me up and ask odd questions, and give the best hugs and make me realize what's important in life. Feel free to connect via email anytime using the form here on the website. I love hearing from you!
Jen Austin
Most and Least-Favored Phrases at the Office
Sometimes when I can't think of a better phrase, "Let's run it up the flagpole" comes out by accident. Dang it! If certain office jargon gets on our nerves, why do we still use it?
If You Get Less Than Six Hours of Sleep Per Night, You’re Average
If you're getting 7 or 8 hours of sleep per night, you're totally hitting the jackpot. Most of us are getting quite a bit less than that, and we're having more nap failures than nap successes too.
Billions of Dollars Are Sitting on Unused Gift Cards
Gift cards were a hot gift this Christmas, and now that you've got 'em, get out there and spend 'em before you forget! You'd be surprised how many people leave that free money on the table.
Your Last Great Idea for Elf on the Shelf
Imagine that the kids come barreling down the stairs in the morning looking for their beloved Elf on the Shelf, and the elf has become trapped inside the TV screen. Here's how you can make it happen.
The Biggest Reason Secret Santa Gift Exchanges Could Be Banned
Not everyone loves a Secret Santa gift exchange at the office, and here's why.
How Long Can the Pie Stay on the Counter?
The safest place for pumpkin pie is probably in your belly, but let's just say you get full and can't quite polish off the whole thing. Is it safe to let it sit on the counter, or should you refrigerate it?
The 3 Biggest Holiday Diet Busters
November and December aren't peak months for willpower. In fact, there are three things that will make willpower crumble faster than a crispy cookie hitting Cookie Monster's flat mouth.
Burn 200 Calories An Hour Doing Household Chores
It's not quite as good as a gym workout, but it turns out a mop session at the house can burn off a ham sandwich. And there are other household chores that are good for burning calories too.
A Bad Relationship Will Improve By November 21st
If your relationship is headed off the rails right now and your sig other is driving you crazy, give it two weeks and you could see a complete transformation. There's a reason for the madness, and it will go away soon.
How to Spend Zero Dollars on This Year’s Costume
My daughter is under there somewhere. I spent zero dollars on her costume this year, and you can get off cheap too.