4 Reasons Why Golf in Rockford is Better Than Golf in Florida
As hardcore Rockford area golfers are no doubt aware, the area's golf courses are open and ready for action. Many golfers who just can't handle the long winter layoff from the links drop some serious cash every year on golf trips to Florida, which bills itself as a "Golfer's Mecca." Let me show you 4 quick examples of why Rockford golf beats the Sunshine State.
First off, kudos to the Rockford Park District once again for keeping our award-winning local courses in such fantastic shape, year in and year out. I run out of superlatives to describe the great work done by the Park District golf course staff. They are a big reason that people from all over the Midwest flock to Rockford during golf season.
Want to know about available tee-times and other information about area golf? Head over to GolfRockford.
Secondly, let's talk about dangers. Playing golf in Rockford presents the following dangers to golfers, as I see it:
- Sunburn
- Windburn
- Bee stings
- Blisters (foot or hand, depending on cheap shoes or not wearing a golf glove)
- Embarrassment (that one is really just for me)
So much for the element of danger in Rockford. However, in Florida, you've got those potential problems, plus several "animal-related" issues to deal with.
You could lose your golf ball:
Or, you could witness violence on the course:
Or, you'll have to deal with unexpected foot traffic during your round of golf:
Oh, and the pace of play is sooooooo slow: