10 Unique Ways Across the USA to Say ‘I’m Drunk’, Wisconsin Wins
Wisconsin has made another fantastic list - "Ways of Saying I'm Drunk Across America." MentalFloss
Having a little too much to drink can have a LOT attached to it. How do you feel the next day, did you say anything stupid night of, etc etc...How about how you "say it."
There is different terminology depending on where you are across the country. Apparently saying "I'm drunk" just isn't enough for some states, but seriously these are pretty great.
He's hammered, plowed, wasted, f'd up...that seems about right for around here...Let's take a look at 10 states across the good ole USA and see what everyone calls it. Oh, and a special shout out to our friends north of the border for making this list...so fitting. Congrats!!!
Cork High and Bottle Deep - This is how they say it in Georgia, there's a lot going on here!
Pifflicated - This one seems complicated, I dislike.
Flabbergasted - Pennsylvania.
Skunk-Drunk - This is a California AND Minnesota term.
Over the Bay, Half the Bay Over - What is up with this, Maine. Just silly.
Make (a) Virginia Fence - Dear New England...I'm drunk reading that.
How-Come-You-So - Um...so there's this thanks to Massachusetts.
Are you ready for the Wisconsin version? I've never heard this before, it's...different, it sounds "Wisconsin" it actually sounds like it could be a beer brand...
I got so "plotzed" on Old Milwaukee Beer