
Watch The Deleted Scene
Watch The Deleted Scene
Watch The Deleted Scene
It’s a little unusual (OK highly unusual) for a movie studio to release a deleted scene from a movie just three days after that movie opened in theaters, but such is the case now with Batman vs. Superman. While most of us are still processing what we saw in theaters this weekend, Warner Bros...
Why So Serious? Warner Bros. Doesn’t Want You to Laugh During Their Superhero Movies
Why So Serious? Warner Bros. Doesn’t Want You to Laugh During Their Superhero Movies
Why So Serious? Warner Bros. Doesn’t Want You to Laugh During Their Superhero Movies
If you thought all of the official images released from 'Batman vs. Superman' were dour, just wait! According to a baffling new story making the rounds on the internet today, Warner Bros. has decided that their superhero films will be joke-free. Yes, they're apparently instituting a "no jokes" policy on their upcoming DC comics movie universe