Last year, it was revealed that KISS would launch their very own football team. Considering what KISS have slapped their band's name onto in the past, the announcement of the L.A. KISS team invading the Arena Football League wasn't too much of a shock, but the actual uniforms for the team will boggle your brains.

When the L.A. KISS team was first introduced, frontman Paul Stanley held in his hand what we assumed was the official helmet for the team. However, the simple black helmets branded with the L.A. KISS logo don't even come close to what was revealed today (March 10).

Pictures of the official L.A. KISS uniform were tweeted by Stanley, showcasing a fiery, over-the-top design that even covers the player's face mask:

The uniform looks pretty cool with the addition of flaming shoulders, but holy hell, look at that helmet! We're assuming that players will be able to see through the flaming face mask, otherwise the L.A. KISS games will be a whole different kind of entertaining. Believe it or not, visibility is an important factor in a sport where giant men are trying to decapitate you.

In another angle of the L.A. KISS helmet, we can see the flaming design make its way up to the top of the head, while the unpainted areas boast a reflective silver.

The L.A. KISS will play their first ever Arena Football game on March 15 against the San Antonio Talons.

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