Anyone who has a dog knows that they really only have one flaw, and it can be summed up with a quote by Agnes Sligh Turnbull, "Dogs lives are too short. Their only fault, really."

Losing a pet is a lot like losing a child; these dogs are part of your family and it can be extremely hard to get over. I can only imagine what Janesville Police officer, Shaun Mahaffey, is going through right now.  Mahaffey unexpectedly lost is K9 parter, Hardy. Hardy, Janesville PD's very first K9, had just retired and he was to spend the rest of dog days with Mahaffey and his family; but unfortnately, according to WTVO, Hardy had a ruptured spleen due to an aggressive form of cancer and passed away.  Heartbreaking.

If you're going to be in the Janesville area on Tuesday, August 30th, the Janesville Police Department will be holding a funeral procession for Hardy and they would love it if you could make it to show your support for Officer Mahaffey and his family.  The details of the procession were posted to their Facebook page.

Rest in peace, Hardy and thoughts and prayers to the Mahaffey family.


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