Which do you take more pictures of, your dog or significant other?

It seems like a crazy question to ask. Before you answer, you better double check your phone and Social Media.

I see it all the time on Facebook. My friends posting picture after picture of their dogs. You can't even tell if they have a family.

I have a friend and all the pictures up in their house is of their dogs. Their Christmas card is a photo of them.

I even know somebody that has a webcam, so they can watch their dogs while they are at work.

According to news10.com,

"65 percent of people, admitted to taking more photos of their dog than their significant other." 

I guess that's why they are called man's best friend.

Here are some other interesting facts about dog owners.

  • "54 percent of dog owners would consider ending a relationship if their dog doesn’t like their partner."
  • One in four people brought their pet on a date.
  • Nearly 47 percent of those with a significant other admit they’d find it harder to leave their dog for a week than their human partner.
  • Ninety-four of all dog owners consider their dog part of the family.
  • Fifty-six percent of dog people say hello to their dog first before greeting the rest of the family.
  • Seventy-eight of dog people would include their dog in family moments like marriage proposals, holiday cards, and vacations.
  • Eighty-eight percent of dog owners have done things to make sure their dog doesn’t get lonely when home alone.
  • One in three pet owners has shed a tear when leaving their dog at home.
  • Fifty-six percent of dog owners have celebrated their dog’s birthday.
  • Three out of four parents use their dog or dog videos as pick-me-ups during a rough day.

Does this sound like you?


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