Dancing With the Stars extended David Ross's post World Series 15 minutes of celebrity.

Jamie Squire, Getty Images
Jamie Squire, Getty Images

Now that the whole "Dancing With The Stars" thing is done, the lovable former Chicago Cub David Ross is looking for his next move. I think I have come across his future career path.

David Ross could catch, hit, smile and say all the right things. Post MLB retirement he took his "athletic skills" to a TV dance show. He finished 2nd some how and wowed millions as the DWTS ratings were through the roof. I found a video that I think is perfect for him.

Let me explain this video by saying, my high school pep rally's were nothing like this. We would have a student speaker, a cheerleading routine and maybe the goofball drama teacher attempting to be funny.

Ladies and gentlemen I give you the next career move of former Cub David Ross. Here is the PAC dance team from Walden Grove High School at their homecoming assembly. performing a Pixar themed dance routine. BTW, David Ross is totally Woody from Toy Story.


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